Meet 2024's STRONG Purposeful Product Proceeds Recipient, DeAnna Steele of Brownsburg, IN.
Last Spring Hendricks County Native Deanna Steele found a lump in her breast which ended up being cancer. DeAnna was shocked because a few months prior she had a mammogram with call backs that then failed to actually identify the cancer.
She had surgery for her 2b breast cancer in May and a small amount was found in one lymph node. In July she began her 5 year long treatment protocol.
DeAnna is a mom of three elementary school girls and loves teaching them the Bible and doing fun things with them. She enjoys eating whole foods, roasted vegetables, and from scratch chocolate treats like brownies and buckeyes.
When I asked others about DeAnna they said she is kind, encouraging and a bright light. I was blessed to experience when I met her and her daughter. And when I asked her about the Truth that is helping her be STRONG she shared, "I know heaven is my destination and that this life is temporary. I will be perfect in heaven. For my young girls, I prioritize teaching them about the Bible beginning with Genesis. The Garden of Eden was perfect without suffering but man sinned and suffering and death was the result. we live in a fallen world and we suffer on earth not for a specific sin but because we live in a fallen world. Most of history has been difficult and we are blessed to live in a unique country and era where we have it easy. However we still struggle with suffering. Satan wants suffering, death, and despair but Christ wants us to have life abundantly. Therefore, we stay focused on our permanent home in heaven to help us now."
Proceeds from all STRONG merch sold through December 10th will be given to DeAnna to bless her in her fight.
Five years ago Real Reflections partnered with the Hendricks Regional Health Foundation's Bra Art Auction in the creation of a Purposeful Product of STRONG tees and sweatshirts in which all proceeds went to their foundation. Covid unfortunately put an end to this auction, but I wanted to continue to make a difference and support women fighting Breast Cancer. So, I began to find a woman each year to donate proceeds from the growing STRONG line to help them in their fight.
Karla Janning, Shirley Toth